We’re a small (8-14 people) camp with a friends-of-friends sponsorship model. This means that to join Pretty Pickle Camp, you’ll need to be a friend of an alumni in good standing who is willing to sponsor your adoption into the camp family.
Sponsorship of a new camp member means vouching for the general character of the new member, helping the new camper acculturate to the Pretty Pickle Camp culture and the Burning Man Ten Principles, and being available as the primary resource for any questions the new member might have.
Pretty Pickle Camp collects $150 from each member to cover the cost of gifted consumables (pickles, alcohol, stickers) and to defray a portion of the expense incurred in transporting camp infrastructure and annual maintenance and improvement. Confirmed campers must pay dues by August 1.
The camp is allocated a very small number of Stewards Sale ticket invitations. Distribution preference is given to those camp members who demonstrate hero and rock star qualities.
- Rock stars are enthusiastic to arrive early to help with camp construction.
- Heros are committed to stay late to help with camp strike and final leave-no-trace sweeps.
Stewards Sale ticket invitations are subject to these terms and conditions.
Each person is required to work at least two pickle service shifts, contribute camp dues, and participate in camp planning discussions.
Daily Pickle Service – Gifting – Participation:
We will offer daily pickle service (Monday through Saturday) for three hours a day 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. You will be provided with serving tongs and a hand washing station.
On the morning of your pickle service day, ensure that there is adequate ice in the pickle cooler to chill the pickles allocated for the day. If ice is needed, go get it!
Group MOOP – Leave No Trace:
On your pickle service day, collect any trash (MOOP – matter out of place) from the group shade BEFORE AND AFTER the scheduled service hours. You will need to pack out the MOOP you collect as well as any paper towels, and other waste generated during your service. The amount of MOOP should be minimal, but this daily collection practice will keep our camp clean and spread the burden of packing out waste among all our members.
Group Shade Food Etiquette:
If you bring food to share into the group shade, please take the trash/leftovers back to your tent when done. This will prevent desiccated, dusty food scraps from lingering too long in our group shade.
No Generators:
Generators are not allowed within Pretty Pickle Camp. Please plan accordingly.
Communal Effort:
If you are in camp during construction or strike, it would be greatly appreciated if you assisted so that it can be completed as quickly as possible. Access to the Stewards Sale is heavily influenced by participating in communal effort!
Radical Self-reliance:
Everyone must abide by the radical self-reliance principle and bring everything they will need for their stay on the playa. Everyone must read the Burning Man Survival Guide. We provide 200 sq. ft. of public shade and 280 sq. ft. of private camp shade. Everything else you need for your survival and comfort is up to you.
Civic Responsibility and Participation:
We suggest our camp members embody the principles of Civic Responsibility and Participation by encouraging each person volunteer for at least one on-playa shift in the department of your choosing. You can view the full menu of volunteer opportunities at https://burningman.org/event/volunteering/.
Leave No Trace:
Burning Man is a LEAVE NO TRACE Event. You are responsible for packing out everything you bring in as well as any grey water and solid waste you generate through the event. Plan accordingly! https://burningman.org/event/preparation/leaving-no-trace/
If you are interested in joining Pretty Pickle Camp, please fill out the web form below, and we’ll be in touch!